Curt Woolfolk


What led you to get your bachelor’s in agronomy and master’s in soil fertility?  
I have been involved with agriculture my whole life but didn’t chose that as my initial career path. In my first year of college, I was pursuing a degree in civil engineering. After a semester of soil science class, I became fascinated with all of the science related to soil and crops and reflected on all of my experiences on our own farm. It just felt natural and right to be discussing and learning about agronomy. An opportunity to work for ag extension and soil fertility research department made me realize that I wanted to pursue a master’s degree in soil science and become an educator within the industry. My graduate program allowed for more advanced training and research experiences in the fields of crop science, soil chemistry, soil and water conservation, and nutrient cycling in the environment. 

When I reflect back on my college experiences and my goals of contributing to agriculture and crop nutrition, my role at Mosaic is the ideal fit. 

What is your role in working with customers?ΓÇ»  
My primary role is to provide agronomic technical support and performance product support to our sales team and customers. My job is to help them find the right Mosaic product, or combination of products, that help them achieve their yield and economical goals. My previous role as Sr. Agronomist for Western North America involved traveling to retail customer locations in Western North America to conduct performance product training to increase sales and product stewardship.  

I thoroughly enjoy customer interaction, learning, and education. I am constantly learning from our retailer customers and their growers. I hope that I can offer them some additional insight to make their farms more productive! My goal is to provide some formal training in soil chemistry, crop physiology and nutrient uptake, combine it with some of my own farming experiences, and foster a discussion that makes people realize the power of our performance products. Over time, these discussions that provide both learning and training opportunities to me have helped me to grow in my role and become more knowledgeable in various crops and crop nutrition.  

What is your favorite thing about your work? 
My role allows me to work cross-functionally with many departments within Mosaic and I really enjoy that aspect. But I find customer interaction and support the most enjoyable. I like working with customers to explore different ways that Mosaic performance products can fit into their local cropping system and empowering them to think about how they can be a better agronomist – a better resource for the grower that they work with and enable that grower to have more yield – year in and year out.  But also, how do they do that in an environmentally friendly manner so that there's not any leaching of nutrients or runoff into a waterway.  

Have you seen any interesting changes in the industry over these last few years? 
There has be a healthy shift to focus on the 4R’s and Nutrient Stewardship – Right source, Right rate, the Right time, and the Right place – are the four different R’s that we talk about during our trainings. Long-standing customers of our performance product portfolio are looking at different times of application and different placement methods that best utilize the nutrient offerings. There's a lot of new, innovative approaches that retailers and growers are taking to make sure those nutrients stay on the field and get taken up by the crop and aren’t lost in other areas. We are very proud that MicroEssentials® has recently received an Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) designation as defined by the Association of American Plant Food Controls Officials. This was a long awaited and much deserved designation for this product.  

How does the work you do contribute to the global food supply chain?  
I am very passionate about our mission statement. I eat, sleep and breathe it - we help the world grow the food it needs. 

We need to keep advancing crop nutrition forward, and it's an absolute requirement to keep humankind moving forward. Traveling have allowed me to witness soils that are highly weathered or have been mined of much-needed crop nutrients. We don’t often see this in North America, but witnessing crops and humans starved of nutrition in other geographies builds a passion and energy that can’t be replicated!  

The use of our existing products along with the development of new products for advanced crop nutrition is so critical, regardless of the ebbs and flows that we see with supply and demand. Mosaic has a responsibility as a leader in crop nutrition to strive toward our mission every day so that we can provide global solutions to growers around the world.  

Curt has worked at Mosaic since 2012. His primary role is to provide technical support to retail customers on crop nutrition and Mosaic performance products. He works closely with sales, marketing and the new product development team on product growth and new product launches. Curt earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and master’s in soil fertility.  



Ashlee Harrison

Reclamation Ecologist

What does “Responsibility” look like at Mosaic?
As a reclamation ecologist, our team manages the stewardship of the land before, during and after we mine. Our goal is to reclaim and preserve the area for generations to come and walk away knowing that the years of knowledge, time, and effort invested is going to result in the natural habitat being able to sustain itself without our intervention again. Mosaic is always looking 10 steps ahead –  we have to. Mosaic knows that being sustainable is the right thing to do, that is why I love my job so much. They make it easy for me when they make reclamation a priority.

Do you think the work you do helps enable global food production?
My family was really involved in agriculture when I was growing up - we had orange groves, hay fields, and a cattle ranch. I grew up helping on our lands and using fertilizers. To be able to look back now and say, “I know where that comes from,” it makes the circle whole. I have seen what our products contribute to. I’m proud to be part of a company that not only prioritizes business, but also community support and my work in reclamation. Mosaic leads by example.

Do you work at Mosaic because the company’s mission aligns with your passion/mission?
Being raised on a ranch, it was bred in me to do something in agriculture. I didn’t know that Mosaic had anything to do with reclamation until I took an internship and learned how important it is to our industry. Mosaic is a company I can grow in. Just like reclamation, I can work my way from the ground up. I live with my husband and our children near where I was raised, and I want our children to stay and live in this community. We have areas of reclamation all around us that I worked on. To be able to say to my children that I was able to reclaim our community means a lot to me. Hopefully someone else won’t be able to notice that the land was reclaimed. But, I want my kids to know that my work is making sure that the land around us will be reclaimed for years to come and that I’m working to create something that they can enjoy and appreciate.

If you could give advice to someone looking to work at Mosaic, what would it be?
You always have support and encouragement, whether it is from your own team or the company. Everyone here works together without ego or competitiveness. I never feel alone or that I’m working on something by myself. At Mosaic, you have a team that is behind you, and that is important to me.

Originally from Hardee County, Florida, Ashlee earned her bachelor’s degree from Warner University in Biology and a master’s degree from the University of Florida in Restoration Ecology. She has worked at Mosaic since 2013.

Kaylee Hayko

Kaylee Hayko


Kaylee Hayko graduated in 2020 from the University of Regina with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Industrial Systems Engineering. As an undergraduate, she took part in two work terms with Mosaic and upon the completion of her second work term, was offered a permanent position upon graduation.

What attracted you to Mosaic as an employer?
I grew up in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada where Mosaic is a well-known company. When I started to look for university co-op work term opportunities, Mosaic was a top choice just based on the company's strong reputation. My first work term with Mosaic was split between the main office in Regina and on-site work in Colonsay. My second work term was at K1 in Esterhazy. These two work terms were extremely beneficial to my growth as an engineer. I soon realized that there are a vast number of opportunities available in this industry and specifically at Mosaic. I immediately knew that I wanted to be a permanent part of the Mosaic team. Mosaic offers something new and interesting every single day. I am extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of a team that develops and implements new technology and innovative equipment which improves worker safety and processes. I really like being on my toes and experience new things every day. From that first work term to now, everyone at Mosaic has been so welcoming and helpful.

How did your role as a Mosaic co-op student prepare you for your current position at Mosaic?
What I have found to be the most beneficial to prepare me for my current position at Mosaic is that I have been exposed to a variety of experiences. My two work terms offered many opportunities to learn more about the company from a business standpoint and to practically apply the theoretical knowledge I gained in university. I have been able to meet so many people, learn industry best practices, and also apply Mosaic protocols. The transition from co-op student to my current position was seamless due to the fact that I didn’t have to start from scratch. I had already established many connections and was familiar with the company's procedures. 

What is one thing you’ve really enjoyed about your work so far?
As a Mosaic employee, I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience several different roles. This diversity of opportunity has introduced me to many aspects of the Mosaic operation including underground production and maintenance, inflow management, and surface maintenance. I take every day as a new adventure and benefit professionally from each and every experience.

What makes you proud to work for Mosaic?
Mosaic’s highest priority is safety. I have seen first-hand the extraordinary efforts that Mosaic, and its employees display everyday living this value. Mosaic not only helps the world grow the food it needs but is a leader in safety. I am proud to work for a company that prioritizes my safety and wellbeing as well as the environment. Being able to participate in the risk reduction program or various health and safety campaigns provides me with an opportunity to improve my workplace and to have an impact and voice in how safety is practiced at Mosaic. Being a woman in a male dominant field of work, Mosaic has shown their commitment to inclusion and diversity and is strongly working towards removing all barriers for all its employees. I am thankful that there are so many wonderful role models at Mosaic that I can reach out to as I build the foundations for my engineering career.

What advice would you give future engineering students who are working as a co-op student at Mosaic?
My advice to future engineering students is to never say no to any opportunity that is presented to you. Try your best to learn as many things as you can during your work term and don't be afraid to ask questions as this will help shape you as a future employee.

Anthony Sparvier

Anthony Sparvier


How is Mosaic enabling technology and encouraging innovation in your daily work?
The Automation Team was really formed for innovation. The team was primarily tasked with research and development projects, specifically autonomous steering of our 4-rotor mining machines and automating conveyor belt installation. By automating the miners and the conveyor belt assembly, you remove the need to have employees in positions of risk. I am happy to say that we have accomplished the goals we set out to achieve in both projects, along with a few others that have given more control and autonomy to our mining operation in Esterhazy. What we’ve developed is changing the way we mine. In 2019, our group got smaller and moved to the new K3 site in Esterhazy. We shifted from a primarily R&D group, to commissioning and maintenance at K3. We have been tasked with helping to commission the miners being built and the associated mining equipment.

The biggest thing that made that possible was leadership support. They supported building a team of subject matter experts that would work collaboratively with production and maintenance groups at the mine to develop something new. From the beginning, leadership knew there would be some challenges, downtime, and maybe even lost time to develop new equipment and implement new processes. But we all worked together to make sure that we were able to get back to operations quickly. Removing the pressure or anxiety of failure really fostered the ability to be innovative and create something new to better the company and the employees. 

What’s the best part of the work you do?
Working with my coworkers is the best part of my work. Whether it is other engineers, automation specialists, electricians, mechanics, operators, and managers, we all work together to identify and solve problems that come up. It is a great feeling to understand a problem or issue we are having, brainstorm a solution and implement that solution in a safe and timely matter. I work with a group of highly specialized people, so when we get stumped on an issue, it’s rare; but it is rewarding to be able to come to work and create solutions to overcome challenges with the team.    

How does Mosaic’s commitment to safety play into your day?
My role is very reflective of Mosaic’s commitment to safety. The Automation Team was formed to innovate new equipment and processes. The output of our group has led to a safer work environment by reducing unnecessary risk. 

What does ‘responsibility’ look like at Mosaic?
Responsibility is about being accountable. I come to work every day to do the best I can, but I'm mindful about everyone’s safety, how my work impacts our operations, and that we are all watching out for each other. I’m accountable to each and every coworker, and that’s being responsible. 

Mosaic has also created environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets. Saying you are going to do something is okay but having a plan with progress points is being accountable. I am First Nation and grew up on Cowesses FN and Ochapowace FN, which are near Esterhazy. Increasing Indigenous representation within the company is a great thing to see. I believe having a diverse workforce allows for different perspectives to help solve for the challenges we face. It is also an opportunity to learn from others and can only make us stronger as a company. 

In addition to increasing diversity at Mosaic, the ESG targets impact my home life too. My family and I are more conscientious of water consumption and unneeded energy usage. Mosaic making a commitment to better our environment is having a much broader impact – not only at the company but for each of its employees to think about how we can contribute too.

Is there anything else interesting about yourself, your work or Mosaic that you’d like to share or add?
Mosaic is a great place to work. As an employee you are not left on your own or left hanging. If you need to talk to someone about your work, there is always someone to talk to about it. When I have a problem or if anyone needs a hand with something, we’re always there for each other. We’re all very collaborative and so you always feel like you have the support you need to be successful.

Anthony started at Mosaic as an Electrical Maintenance Engineer in 2012 and now works on the Automation Team in Esterhazy.

Nicole Christiansen

Nicole Christiansen


What does “Responsibility” look like at Mosaic?
I work with a wonderful team to ensure that we are working safely and continue to ensure environmental responsibility. In our area, there is a lot of mixed opinion of our industry so it’s important for us to stay involved with the community, be transparent about our efforts to improve our environmental focus and continuously improve in our efforts. I am proud of the work that we do; the contributions we make to the agriculture industry and investments we make in our communities.

What are some of the efforts you have seen already, or are important for the company to do to attract a strong workforce wanting to work in a more innovative and technological space? 
Our recent efforts with innovation and technology have made me optimistic about the future of Mosaic. I think the technology will catapult our ability to carry out our mission in a safer, more environmentally conscious, and cost-effective manner. The technology and industry changes in the coming years are exciting. Those who are starting their careers with an interest in working at one of our sites will have a lot of opportunities and growth in an industry working with innovative technology like automation and machine learning. Efficiencies and the improvements with innovation will ensure continued opportunities at Mosaic.    

Do you feel the company has given you opportunities to grow your career at Mosaic? 
The company has encouraged my career progression and has challenged me to grow through various technical training and leadership development programs. Mosaic supported my efforts to earn my MBA and Professional Engineering Certification, and I know many other colleagues who have also pursued continuing education while employed with Mosaic. I have had opportunities in both operations and engineering, as well as in mining and in the manufacturing side where we produce our finished fertilizer products. Being able to learn the different aspects of our business has improved my perspective on Mosaic’s business strategies.

Nicole is a Sr. Manager - Process Engineering and has worked at Mosaic for more than 12 years. 


Paul Gill


How does the work you do enable global food production?
At Carlsbad, we mine and process the langbeinite ore that contains potassium, magnesium and sulfur.  These three nutrients sold under Mosaic’s performance product brand name of K-Mag are used globally in crops ranging from potatoes, citrus fruit, cotton, coffee, corn and soybean.  So, it is critical for us at Carlsbad to safely and efficiently produce and supply K-Mag to our customers around the world to help them grow the crops that are vital to food production.

What are some of the efforts you have seen already, or are important for the company to do to attract a strong workforce?
A trend we see with our workforce is that they really want to work for a company that gives back to their community and makes a difference. Not only with the products we sell, but through grants, gifts and community support. I’ve had many opportunities to help community organizations through Mosaic.  Over the years, I’ve been part of volunteer opportunities that have helped provide food for families in need, built new and safe playground equipment for local schools, and increased safety by adding nonslip flooring at the local high school pool.

I’ve also been part of helping provide financial contributions. From helping non-profit groups support individuals with substance abuse addictions, to assisting an Early College High School where students can obtain an associate degree and high school diploma at the same time, Mosaic truly cares about serving communities and helping neighbors in need. It it’s inspiring to be part of company that shows they care with action.

Do you work at Mosaic because the company’s mission aligns with your passion/mission?
It did not start out that way some 30 years ago. However, very early after being hired I quickly realized that my passion in life aligned extremely well with Mosaic’s very noble mission of helping the world grow the food it needs. It is very personal for me, because my dad worked as an agronomist for Punjab Agricultural University in India. Punjab state is considered as the bread basket of India and is known for the green revolution in the 1960s that propelled India to become self-sufficient in grain production and my dad was part of that effort.

Do you feel the company has given you opportunities to grow your career at Mosaic? 
Yes, Mosaic has given me a lot of opportunities to grow my career. I started in the technical/engineering field and really enjoyed my time in those roles. Later, I was presented with opportunities in operational leadership. I have been very fortunate to grow my career in operations to become a general manager of a potash mine. I am also very pleased to share that I have been asked to mentor a few emerging leaders within Mosaic over the last five years.


Bruce Bodine

President and CEO

Bruce Bodine was named President of The Mosaic Company and became a member of the board of directors in August 2023 and Chief Executive Officer in January 2024. Bodine previously served as Mosaic’s Senior Vice President—North America since April 2020 and began leading enterprise operations in 2022. Prior to that, Bodine led the Phosphates business unit as Senior Vice President—Phosphates, and the Potash business unit as Senior Vice President—Potash.

Bodine began his career with Mosaic in 1999 as part of a predecessor company, holding engineering leadership and plant management positions in the Phosphates business segment before taking on the role of Vice President—Operations for Mosaic’s Esterhazy and Colonsay potash production facilities. Bodine also served as Vice President—Supply Chain, responsible for the movement of raw materials and finished production, and strategic sourcing activities for Mosaic’s North American phosphate and potash segments; additionally, he oversaw fertilizer production in South America and China. Bodine serves on the board of directors for the Miski Mayo mining company, a joint venture which Mosaic is the operating partner.

Bodine holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.    

Phil Bauer 2024

Phil Bauer

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Phil Bauer was promoted to Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, in January 2023.

Since joining Mosaic in 2007, Bauer has managed legal support for business development activities, potash operations, offshore finance, commercial transactions and corporate governance. Most recently, he was the Vice President—Growth and Development where he helped drive strategic vision across the organization.

Prior to Mosaic, he was a partner at an international law firm where he focused his practice on mergers and acquisitions, public and private securities offerings and public company compliance matters, as well as general business advising.

Bauer earned his Juris Doctor degree from The George Washington University Law School in Washington D.C., and his Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service with honors from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service where he majored in international politics. Phil also received his Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. 


Clint Freeland 2023

Clint Freeland

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Clint Freeland was named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer on November 1, 2023 after serving as the company’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since June 2018. In this role, Freeland leads Mosaic’s Strategy and Growth, Finance and Information Technology organizations.

Prior to joining the Mosaic, Freeland served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Dynegy Inc. from July 2011 until Dynegy’s merger with Vistra Energy Corp. in April 2018. He was responsible for Dynegy’s financial affairs, including finance and accounting, treasury, tax and banking and credit agency relationships. Prior to joining Dynegy, Freeland held positions as Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Senior Vice President—Strategy and Financial Structure at NRG Energy. Earlier in his career he worked for Enron Corporation, Coral Energy and ABN AMRO Bank. 

Freeland holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from The University of the South and a master of business administration in finance from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University.

Walt Precourt 2023

Walt Precourt

Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

Walt Precourt was named Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer effective November 1, 2023. In this role, Precourt has responsibility for the company’s Human Resources, Public Affairs, Procurement and Shared Services teams. Precourt has held several leadership positions since joining Mosaic in 2009, including Senior Vice President—Strategy and Growth, Senior Vice President—Phosphates, Senior Vice President—Potash Operations, and leading the Environment, Health and Safety organization. 

Prior to joining Mosaic, Precourt lead Holcim (U.S.) safety transformation, later becoming its Vice President of Environment and Government Affairs. Precourt started his career at The Dow Chemical Company where he served in a variety of roles in Operations, Technology, Capital Project Management, and Environmental, Health and Safety. 

Precourt earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, his Master of Science in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering from Vanderbilt University, and his MBA from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Luciano Siani Pires

Luciano Siani Pires

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Luciano Siani Pires was named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in November 2024. He is expected to assume the role of EVP and CFO on January 1, 2025. He previously served on The Mosaic Company’s Board of Directors from 2018 to 2022.

Prior to joining Mosaic, Sinai was Executive Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Chief Financial Officer and other strategic roles for Vale S.A., a global mining company. He also served as the chairman of the Board of Directors of VLI S.A., as a senior business development advisor for the Natural Resources Group of Accenture, and was a consultant at McKinsey and Company. He has served on the board of Vallourec Societè Anonime, as a member of the executive council of o9 solutions, and as a member of the advisory board at Barbosa Mello.

Siani holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, and a Master of Finance from the New York University Stern School of Business.


Karen Swager

Executive Vice President – Operations

Karen Swager was named Executive Vice President – Operations effective November 1, 2023.  In this role, Swager is responsible for the company’s enterprise-wide operations, including the Environment, Health and Safety organization, and the North America Supply Chain organization. Previously, Swager held various leadership positions at Mosaic including Senior Vice President – Supply Chain, Senior Vice President – Potash, Vice President, Minerals – Phosphates, Vice President, Mining Operations – Phosphates, and General Manager. She also led the mine planning and strategy group for the Phosphates business.

Swager serves on the board of directors for SSR Mining and is a member of SSR Mining’s Technical, Safety, and Sustainability Committee. Swager is a licensed professional engineer and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in metallurgical engineering and a Master of Science in metallurgical engineering from Michigan Technological University, where she is a member of the Department of Chemical Engineering’s Distinguished Academy. In addition, Swager holds an MBA from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. 

Jenny Wang 2024

Jenny Wang

Executive Vice President – Commercial

Yijun “Jenny” Wang was named Executive Vice President, Commercial, in January 2024. In this new role, Wang will lead enterprise-wide commercial organizations and the recently formed Mosaic Biosciences, in addition to maintaining leadership of Global Strategic Marketing. She has responsibility for global sales, marketing, product management, new product research and development, and oversees market and strategic analysis. She also leads Mosaic’s international distribution businesses in Brazil, Paraguay, China and India.

Previously, Wang held the positions of Senior Vice President – Global Strategic Marketing; Senior Vice President – Global Strategic Marketing, Head of China and India; Vice President – Global Strategic Marketing; Vice President – Global Product Management and International Distribution; and Vice President – Product Management. Since January 2020, Wang has served on the Board of Directors at Canpotex. 

Wang joined Mosaic in 2011 as the Country Head for China. Prior to Mosaic, Wang held various leadership roles in Sales and Marketing, Strategy and Business Development, Global Product Management, and as Country Managing Director at Syngenta for 16 years in China, Vietnam and its global headquarters in Switzerland. 

Wang earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Sun Yat-sen University and a Master of Biology degree from South China Agriculture University. She graduated from the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Amanda Tomaz

Amanda Tomaz


In your opinion, how important is innovation and technology for the work we perform at Mosaic?
In addition to new technologies, innovation includes new and different ways of thinking. I have never worked for a company that invests as much as Mosaic in doing their best and finding new ways to do something. Innovation is the foundation that enables us to improve continually in productivity, quality and compliance.

For those who are considering applying at Mosaic, what would you say regarding how innovation is handled at the company? 
Mosaic is a company open to people who think differently and bring new ideas. Leadership supports your unique experience and expertise, but most importantly listens to new ideas that might improve a project or operations. It’s about your mindset and attitude more than education. This approach leads to Mosaic creating new ways to mine, process and distribute fertilizer. We are an industry leader because we have the most innovative teams thinking of new ways to do the best work.

Amanda works at the Shared Service Center for Mosaic Fertilizantes. She has worked at Mosaic for two years.


Rogério Miranda

Public Affairs

In your opinion, how important is the Inclusion and Diversity for the work we perform at Mosaic?
Diversity is critical to any company, just as it is to society. Diversity allows us to experience different perspectives than our own and provides the opportunity to learn about new things that help us become better individuals and professionals. It is important to focus on diversity, Mosaic makes it a priority which is especially important as we operate in so many different countries.

How has Mosaic provided you the tools to do your job well and safely? 
Having a disability, Mosaic has always supported me and tried to create an environment in which I felt comfortable. Accessibility has always been an open topic and easy to discuss with my team. More than that, the company has allowed me to take control of my career, given me the necessary tools to make me feel part of the team, and offered me the same opportunities as anyone else.

Rogério has worked for Mosaic for 16 years in various roles, first within the IT department, then marketing, and is currently part of the public affairs team. He graduated from Faculdade Cásper Líbero and the Universidade Anhanguera with a focus in communications and marketing.

Eric Michel

Eric Michel


What are some of the efforts you have seen already, or are important for the company to do, to attract a strong workforce wanting to work in a more innovative and technological space? 
I started working at Mosaic in 2007, just out of college. While I was in school, a representative from one of the local government agencies came to talk about environmental protections in the mining industry. The representative focused on the wetland reclamation that Mosaic does, and their role as an industry regulator. I thought the mining industry sounded interesting, and I was impressed by the scale on which Mosaic was doing land reclamation. The idea of working somewhere I could make a difference, and the opportunity to work for such an innovative company, is what led me to Mosaic.

When I first started at Mosaic, I spent most of my time using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the reclamation projects I was tasked with managing. GIS takes a set of attributes and gives them a geographical reference. For example, Mosaic’s mitigation wetlands are shown on a map in GIS. I can view these wetlands and their attributes, such as when was it constructed, what type of wetland it is (forest or herbaceous), etc. This technology was relatively new when I started but continues to advance. When I started in the environmental field I used a cumbersome and hefty GPS unit for data collection in the field. These early GPS units were carried in the field in backpacks and weighed 20-25 lbs. They were used to collect GPS waypoints that could be uploaded back into our GIS software. Now, we have smart phones and drones to make data collection much easier. I just drop a pin wherever we are mapping and its done. Mosaic continues to push the industry, evolve with technology, and provide resources to support our efforts. 

Do you feel the company has given you opportunities to grow your career at Mosaic?
I had always kept an eye out for positions at Mosaic when I was first out of school. When a lab position became available, I applied for it immediately hoping to get my foot in the door. A recruiter reached out and said they thought I was a better fit as a reclamation ecologist and asked if I was interested in applying for that position instead. When they sent over the job description, it really was and is, exactly what I wanted to do. It was a combination of working with the regulatory agencies, which appealed to my interests in policy, and working in the field – everything from earth work to establishing entire wetland and upland ecosystems. It touched on all those things that when you are in school you say to yourself, “wouldn’t it be awesome to have a job like that one day.” It was very exciting and spoke to all my hopes and desires of what I wanted in a career. I was even more excited when I was the successful candidate and earned the position. 

Mosaic has really invested in me while I have been here. The company has encouraged me to continue my education and obtain critical certifications. Several years ago, I was sent to school to be certified to conduct prescribed burns, and most recently, I obtained my certification from the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to become a commercial drone pilot. I have never stopped learning at Mosaic. I get to work on new and interesting projects every day and that is exactly what I wanted out of a career. 

How does working at Mosaic align with your personal passions or beliefs?
We live where we work. There has always been a culture at Mosaic that this is our backyard. We need to do the best job possible – not just because of policy, but because we want to be proud of our backyards. The best thing about my job is when I look at aerial photographs and can see the changes in the landscape that I helped to improve over time. I can see new tree lines, or because of improved hydrology, wetlands returning or forests booming for the same reason. Those are the kinds of things that you can toggle back in time and see the impact that you’ve made. It’s neat to know that not only am I making difference, but a visible difference. And to know that because of our reclamation work, we have parks like the Alafia River State Park, where our community can play and recreate with their families on the weekends. I’m proud of that. I feel like I’m helping create a legacy.

Eric has worked at Mosaic since 2007.

Natali Archibee

Natali Archibee


Who has been the most influential in helping to grow your career at Mosaic?
I have been influenced by so many people in my 7+ years at Mosaic. I’ve worked alongside some amazing women – peers and leaders whom I admire – who are really contributing to Mosaic’s success. I’ve learned from them how to communicate and strategize and persist despite the constraints that come our way. And my first boss, Neil Beckingham, helped me find my footing in sustainability. It is thanks to him that I am so optimistic about the many ways Mosaic can improve performance and contribute positively to society. 

What’s the best part of the work you do?
Hands down, the best part about the work I do is having the benefit of a broad, global view of issues affecting Mosaic and our diverse stakeholders. It is such a gift to have perspective of seeing what a company like Mosaic can do to make a difference. We are a fertilizer company, yes, and in a lot of ways our success is measured by our production of tonnes that are sold to customers in 40 countries around the globe, but we are more than that: we have a tangible impact on global food security; we contribute to the vitality of the communities where we have operations; we are good stewards of resources; we share agronomic best practices; and we safely employ +12,000 people around the world. Our mission and our work are critically important, and I am reminded of that in my daily interactions with our stakeholders. 

What does environmental, social, and governance mean to Mosaic?
Mosaic’s ESG targets were carefully and purposefully developed to achieve goals that make a positive impact on our employees, communities, environment, and the company. ESG may not be included in financial analysis, but they are factors that have a financial impact on our performance. When you think of ESG in those terms, it is easy to see why we should manage our greenhouse gas emissions; reduce our water use; address the wellbeing and engagement of our workforce; grow our diversity and inclusion; and contribute to the prosperity of our customers and the growers who use our products. All of these things have an impact on Mosaic’s ability to thrive as a company in the long-term.

Why is being responsible important to Mosaic?
Mosaic has earned recognition for its sustainability efforts for more than ten years, but our work is not done. Beyond the regulations, beyond what we “have to do” and beyond the ways we have performed in the past, are a set of expectations for how we conduct ourselves moving forward. Stakeholders ranging from employees and community members to NGOs and investors are relying on us to contribute positively to society and be responsible every day, at every step of the process. 

How does Mosaic show it values you and your work?
I feel valued at Mosaic because the company takes my safety seriously. I am empowered to make decisions and I am respected in my interactions with colleagues and leaders. 

Natali has worked at Mosaic since 2013 as a sustainability analyst. Currently, she is the Sustainability Manager, leading our sustainability reporting efforts and ESG strategy development.

Lana Biley

Lana Bily


What’s the best part of the work you do?
I enjoy the mix of underground field and office work. I think it is neat to be able to perform surveys at all the working faces in the mine, come back to the office to transfer the data collected into our CAD programs, and then map the development of the mine. I have always loved math and maps. The use of traditional survey skills combined with the advancements in technology make our day to day very interesting and the pace makes each day fly by. 

Our team is an interesting transitional group because we get to see what we have accomplished and what is planned for our future. I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride for the work that we do.

How does Mosaic’s commitment to safety play into your day?
I know that Mosaic takes the safety of its employees very seriously. I have family, friends and neighbors that also work at Mosaic, so when leadership reiterates how important it is that each employee returns home to their families – for me they are one in the same. We have the personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, training and support we need to perform our jobs safely. Worker health and wellness are very personal to me and I’m so glad that Mosaic takes it just as seriously.  

How is Mosaic enabling technology and encouraging innovation in your daily work?
Encouraging new ideas to use technology and procedures for improving efficiency, accuracy and repeatability is an important part of the culture at Mosaic. My department is small and very specific, but the innovation in software and survey equipment has made huge advancements in the work we do. Automation and digital tools are being implemented into our day to day routines to help make work safer and more efficient, while increasing accuracy. Remote data collection can be made, and in some cases, automatically monitored in real-time. The actual practice of mining is changing with new automation and technology advancements that improve the efficiency of production, but they also help in worker safety and risk reduction. We can analyze data from 3D survey data collection that allows us to better steer and forecast the direction of mining.

Lana has worked at Mosaic in Esterhazy, Canada for more than seven years and is currently working at the new K3 site. As a mine technician, Lana performs field work, collects data, then prepares plans and reports for three main areas: surveying, ventilation and rock mechanics.

Gisele Borges

Gisele Borges


In your opinion, how important is safety for the work we perform at Mosaic?
It is my job to show people the technical aspects of safety – rules, policies, procedures, etc., so that they really understand how important safety is. More than just rules though, we work on building a culture of safety. That way, everyone begins to understand that safety is critical, and that it is not only everyone's duty, but it must also be something that everyone believes in and has as a top priority.

For those considering working at Mosaic, what would you say regarding safety at Mosaic?
You will be part of a team committed to ensuring a safe workplace for everyone. Mosaic is always evaluating potential risk so that we can improve internal standards, always have the best and right tool available, and are providing the highest-level of training. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all take that seriously. 
What does “responsibility” look like at Mosaic? 
We encourage each employee to reflect on their own responsibility for safety as much as others. Mosaic values employee wellbeing, regardless of where you are.

Giselle has worked at Mosaic Fertilizantes in Araxá as a specialist in occupational safety for more than 13 years. She is also a private firefighter, rescue and first aid specialist, and instructor in safety training courses.